Kraus Law Group, LLC

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Kraus Law Group’s Advocacy Nets Seven Figure Award for Permanently Injured Client

 Posted on March 12, 2025 in Vaccine Injuries

In 2016, Kraus Law Group, LLC, filed a Petition in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program on behalf of a woman who developed a life-threatening lung disease following a flu vaccination.

Our client received a flu shot in 2014, just before she came down with a respiratory virus. Unfortunately, the impact of the immune response she mounted to that virus, while also responding to the flu vaccination led to scarring in the lining of her lungs that caused breathing difficulties, a chronic condition known as bronchiolitis obliterans.

After filing the case, our team, led by founding partner, Ed Kraus, retained an expert immunologist who testified at an in-person hearing held in Washington, D.C. in 2020.

In a decision from 2023, the presiding Special Master found that the flu vaccination played a pivotal role in the development of our client’s lung disease and found her entitled to compensation.

While the decision by the Special Master meant that our client was eligible to receive compensation for her life-changing vaccine injury, securing the compensation she needed to ensure she had lifelong support was another battle.

The attorneys at Kraus Law Group, LLC, worked with a life care planner, a professional who met with our client to determine the type of services and support she would need to function for the rest of her life. Over the next months, our attorneys worked diligently to secure the comprehensive compensation package that our client deserved.

Ultimately, our client was awarded a lump sum of $1,078.449.55 which included lost wages, the statutory cap for pain and suffering, as well as past un-reimbursable expenses.

Additionally, our client received an annuity to pay for the care that she will need for the rest of her life.  

For attorneys, Ed Kraus, Amy Kraus and Brynna Gang, securing this outcome for our long-term client reinforces why vaccine injury law is all we do.

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